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Business CenterInternational Trade
International Trade
Suppliers are all over the world

Fuye Group's annual import of copper concentrate is about 1.1 million tons, accounting for more than 90% of the total purchase of raw materials. Its suppliers are all over the world, mainly concentrates in Chile, Peru, Mexico in South America; the United States and Canada in North America; Australia; Turkey and Armenia in Europe; Congo, Zambia, Tanzania and Mauritania in Africa; Mongolia, the Philippines and Indonesia, etc.

Suppliers are all over the world
Heading into the top list of non-ferrous metals enterprise in the world

Except normal business, we also carried out copper cathodes processing trade and export of copper cathodes and silver. The processing trade volume of copper cathodes reached 400,000 tons, and the export volume of silver around 200 tons, as well as the export business of copper cathodes occasionally. In the course of development, we keep seeking the international trade channels of import & export and trying to establish long-term relationship with international miners. The Group is heading into the top list of nonferrous metals enterprise in the world.

Heading into the top list of non-ferrous metals enterprise in the world
Global Partners
Global partners
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